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Rouncorn Figures Display Typeface

Display oriented stylish round cornered figures & small punctuation set.

  • Released on 15 MARCH 2020
  • 33 Glyphs
  • Basic Latin
  • 1 Style / 1 Weights

Rouncorn Figures Display is a personal experimentation in simple shapes and equal grids. This small set started as a fast sketch for client projects with the purpose of displaying earning figures and volumes but slowly grew one figure at a time. I plan on extending it but as a start please enjoy this basic set of decimal digits, punctuation & parenthesis.

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No SPAM, Scout's Honor!

Licensing Options

As a token of my appreciation for going through my portfolio here is a free version of my Rouncorn Figures Display Typeface for your own personal use only.
If you need a commercial license please get in touch with me to setup a call.

Want to feature this typeface on your shop or in your foundry?
Get in touch to set a call.

Practice Sans Typeface

Lineal Typeface