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Presto Pizza App & Website Redesign

Local Restaurant Delivery Service

  • Mobile App Redesign
  • Website Redesign
  • Brand Assets Creation & Management

Presto Pizza is the #3 pizza delivery company in Romania with multiple locations around Bucharest, from delivery spots to restaurants to fastfood servings with a strong online presence.


& requests

I was approached by Presto Pizza and their Development Team which included UX, to help reshape the current existing mobile application but also their website.

The project was straight forward, to follow the guidelines se in place by the UX Designer which previous had done all the necesary research, testing, flows, wireframes and prototypes.

Small changes were made during the design process to the inital wires but nothing to affect the overall flows and decissions.

The client did not have any available brand guidelines or a manual, the only matterial available was their logomark and logotype.


& process

I started evaluating all the assets that already existed and were delivered by the client and also all the UX assets which guided me.

A decision was made to leave behind every UI element previously used and draft up a new styleguide which could be used on both mobile platforms (iOS & Android) but also for the website to cover all the instances that could arise based on the information at that time.

The starting point was from their logo which offered the base colours from which all the states for the UI elements were made to keep the feel of their brand. The main logomark was used either as decoration or the main subject.


Luckily there wasn't much iteration on the mobile app or on the website due to the previous work and iterations of the UX Designer with the stakeholders and development team, that delivered a very close to the design prototype.

Small tweaks were done, related to the development process.

Mobile Application

Design started first on the mobile application building the design system up based on UX Wireframes and taking in consideration that most users will have a small to medium screen sizes. To this regard the main layout size has been for a 320px width and than scale-up.

You can checkout some of the screens below and search for the app in the App Store or also the Google Play Store.


The website layouts were based off the initial mobile application design, with adaptations for new elements and instances which were not covered in theinitial mobile iterations.

Below you can find some of the resulting designs and pages.


& collaborators
Alexandru Mincu

Products & Markets Management Tool