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Innolend Website & Platform Redesign

A financial solution for SME's based in Berlin.

  • Website and Platform Redesign & UX
  • Brand Assets Creation & Management
  • Print Assets Creation & Print Advisement

Innolend is a Berlin based start-up with extensive experience in financial solutions & financial help for small SME's, mostly dealing in financing outstanding debts without a contract bond.


& brief

1. First request was about centralizing and also unifying their brand and creating more assets to cover their needs.

2. Second request was to redesign their website to better align with their targeted users & with their new brand and the newly created assets and rules.

3. The third request was to redesign and restructure their main web platform with which the user would interact.

* As a bonus challenge, all the content of this project was in German which from a typesetting point of view is quite special because of the length of the words and also the fact that I have no knowledge, spoken or written regarding German language.

A key part of this client's business was their online platform which was a bridge between the user and them. Because most touch points were related to the platform; for many users the platform was synonymous with their Brand.

Since I am a small business my self and know very well the struggles when it comes to unpaid invoices and bills that keep pilling up I had a unique point-of-view, knowing straight up what expectations user could have regarding such a platform


Strategy / Objectives / User Research

I did a proper kick-off meeting with the client, which included a series of workshops to create a better understanding of the client, their business and also their main goals. During that we formulated and setup individual strategies for both the website and their platform.

Business objectives were discussed at first, followed by the inner-workings of the company and also their growth plans leading to a good foundation of the product strategy and their key objectives.

After setting a clear direction for both projects, my solutions were the following:
1. Design a user-centered platform which is genuinely ease to use and learn.
2. Build a design system that is stable and that can adapt easily to future features.
3. Build side by side a solid Brand which will align the website with the user platform in a more consistent way.

Upon having a good base of information and direction, the actual build-up started with wireframes and prototypes, testing out ideas with the client to reach a common functioning ground.


& collaborators
Project Management
Christian Wohlke(PM & Product Owner)

Electric Car Dashboard

Diagram Platform Branding & Illustrations